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The "Guts" Skill is missing from the ruleset

Just noticed that the Guts skill is left off the list of skills..

ShotGun Jolly , 01.06.2012, 00:52
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 27.06.2012
Fixed for 3.3
Idea status: completed


phantomwhale, 01.06.2012, 08:10
Funnily enough, I only noticed this myself a few weeks back. Think I put the fix down, so it would appear in the next release later this year.

Of course, weirdly enough, Guts is being REMOVED from Savage Worlds Deluxe (but left in Deadlands and other setting that actually use it) so maybe it was a premonition.

Anyway, I'll check I did the fix, then mark this off as resolved (for v3.3)

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