Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Print Output or File Export Facility

This is probably more of a core system issue than an issue within the Savage Worlds subset but I often suffer from having too many screens open as a GM.

There is often a need to have a combination of images, personalities, tokens and story open all at the same time. This often results in a very cluttered screen even when minimization is used.

The main problem I have is checking PC sheets either to verify a piece of information or to check that the player has amended their PC correctly.

Would it be possible to have a simple print or file export facility straight from the screen? The GM can then have a separate hard copy available without the need to check individual PCs.

Opinions and votes welcomed!

thewalkingdude , 22.04.2012, 02:14
Idea status: rejected


phantomwhale, 22.04.2012, 09:16
For printing... you can hit "Print Screen" in FGII and it saves a copy of the screengrab to your FGII APPDATA folder as a JPEG file.

For file export... you can currently export individual characters to XML via the /exportchar chat window option. But then you'll need something to turn that from "bunch of data" into something pretty to look at.

Anything more is probably outside of the scope of the Savage Worlds ruleset, although I'll leave this open as others may have ideas on what can be done within the ruleset to help facilitate what your after.

My only other suggestion would be to ask if you need a summary window in the app of the information you need - currently I use a combination of the character mini-sheets and/or the combat tracker to get the information I need - but perhaps there is another useful "PC summary" tool in the making ? Might need to trash that out on the forum first (the wish-list isn't the best place for discussing half-baked ideas !)

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