Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Combat Tracker: Drag a card to the tracker....

With the new chase rules multiple cards are dealt to each member of the chase (we found using the DLR card table helps here), what would be nice would be able to deal cards to the table and then drag a card to the combat tracker to aid the "combat" order of the chase.

Savage_Doswelk, 15.12.2011, 16:40
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 18.11.2014
this is included in version 4.0
Idea status: completed


kmdietri, 02.02.2012, 22:07
I would very much like to see this, or perhaps have the option.
Ikael, 19.09.2014, 00:52
Implemented in Savage Worlds v4.0

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