Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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set initiative limits on cards in combat tracker.

I have a suggestion I would like to make for your upgrade..

I am currently running a "War of the Dead" campaign and it has hordes and hordes of zombies in it. One of the special rules is that no zombie can ever have a INI card higher then a 4..

So when I draw a card, I need to keep drawing it untill I get the 4 or less. Which can be at times, a pain in the buttocks. Is there any option or could there be an option for when you draw cards to have it, to keep drawing until that rule has been satisfied?

Not sure if it can be done or not, but it would be a useful feature to have depending on what ever creature it is you are fighting that may have a rule similar to this.


ShotGunJolly, 06.10.2011, 03:43
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 27.06.2012
Has been added as a user built extension for this adventure - somewhere on the FG forums
Idea status: rejected


phantomwhale, 27.06.2012, 08:34
I believe that someone wrote a custom add-on for the "slow" edge on the forums. Please link the extension here if you find it

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