Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Hotkeys linking to live trait values instead of static rolls

So when I store a hotkey for a PC's Agility, it will always roll that character's Agility. Same with skills and weapon rolls, and all stored dice fields basically.

Not 100% it can be done, but THINK it can...

phantomwhale, 06.07.2011, 14:33
Idea status: completed


Matchstickman, 10.10.2013, 19:37
Played a game this past weekend and had some problems with the hotkeys, they aren't linked to the character. If a character is suffering a wound hotkeys don't pull out the inherent negative one that it should apply (it does work rolling direct from the character sheet), but it makes the hotkeys almost not worth setting up.
Ikael, 02.11.2015, 04:02
This feature is implemented in Savage Worlds v4.2

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