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Group U status tracker bug : shows the stats of U

A Personality set to U, does indeed have their stats unviewable, BUT any subsequent identical Personalities added to the group will have their stats displayed. Please see this post, that has a picture showing the problem http://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=110517&postcount=23

zackspacks, 02.07.2011, 21:53
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 29.07.2011
Not a bug - maybe an area that needs some improvement ideas though ?
Idea status: rejected


phantomwhale, 29.07.2011, 07:40
Looking at this again... you can (and indeed, must) set the visibility of grouped entries separate from the main personality.

See http://imgur.com/NrqSi

Happy to take a request for interface improvements here, but not a "bug" as far as I can tell.
zackspacks, 29.07.2011, 08:03
Ahhh gotcha. For some reason I thought (wrongly ) that the primary tracker item would set the status for the other subsequent items. I did not realise the individual items could be set, my bad !

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