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Deadlands Powers Bug

If I create Powers, they can not be deleted from the Powers page (it's deleted initially then comes back as a "blank" Power), they can be deleted from the Powers Tab on the Main page.

MurghBpurn, 22.05.2011, 05:05
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 22.05.2011
Look like a bug from the Fantasy Grounds engine. If I can make a workaround for the next version, I will. Although looks like version 2.8 of FGII will fix the underlying bug.

More info here : http://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=108692&postcount=15
Idea status: rejected


MurghBpurn, 22.05.2011, 05:07
After playing around with it further they cant be deleted from either
MurghBpurn, 22.05.2011, 05:33
Seems to have something to do with going between the two different pages
MurghBpurn, 22.05.2011, 07:07
Opening and closing seems to *sometimes* let you delete them
phantomwhale, 22.05.2011, 12:06
Ouch - just recreated it. Crashed out my session in the end - suspect there is some recursive nastyness happening.

Keep me posted if you get a better idea HOW it comes about, otherwise I'll start digging into this one ASAP.

Might be worth a forum post as well
MurghBpurn, 22.05.2011, 19:15
Just tried to recreate on the GMs machine (I was a Player before) and I can't :s
phantomwhale, 22.05.2011, 19:58
Looks like this might be an underlying FGII bug :


Bit worried in how easily I reproduced it (took about 2 mins) but equally I'd not encountered it in my regular play much.

So might be tempted to pass the back on this one, suffice to say it's being addressed in the FGII v2.8 release. Any workaround in the DLR codebase sounds like it may not be simple, or even feasible
MurghBpurn, 22.05.2011, 20:14
Not sure the GM was active when it happened to me. If he was, he was definitely in stealth mode!
MurghBpurn, 22.05.2011, 20:14
As a Player, its not a game breaker, as the not wanted Powers can eventually be removed.

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