Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
25 votes Vote

Make delete item icon different to delete record

Change the delete item to something like a big X, leaving delete record as the skull and crossbones (which is more "severe")

Very annoying when you delete a combat tracker, when you meant to remove a foe, or delete an NPC when you meant to remove an edge.

Using the different icon (in time) should add more of a subliminal "jerk" when you go for the wrong option.

phantomwhale, 11.05.2011, 19:03
Response from the site administrator
Ikael, 21.08.2017
Records can no longer be deleted from right click context menu, no need to define own radial menu icon for it.
Idea status: completed


MurghBpurn, 12.05.2011, 18:14
This is just an icon change, so easily achievable?
phantomwhale, 12.05.2011, 18:16
Very easy, I believe - unless it's build into the "core" software somehow that these two icons are the same (don't believe it is)
MurghBpurn, 12.05.2011, 22:05
Gets my vote then!
Savage_Doswelk, 13.05.2011, 01:38
I have already made this change in the Savage Suzerian ruleset, and will do so in any new themes I create.

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