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Draggable Edges / Hindrances to Extras

Draggable Edges / Hindrances / Powers to the Extras sheet as in Deadlands

MurghBpurn, 08.05.2011, 19:25
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 22.07.2011
Done :
Idea status: completed


phantomwhale, 13.05.2011, 09:10
Already half-done, have already converted edges and hindrances to be draggable onto the NPC "special abilities" list. Could simply add in powers too, although all mixed in the one list might be confusing.

Maybe a new idea is required - add a separate power list to NPCs ? Split NPCs into monsters and human (e.g. those with special abilities, and those with edges / hindrances / powers) ? Not sure if this split is perfectly defined in all rulesets. Even Coffin Rock (adventure for DLR) has humans with a couple of non-human special abilities.
MurghBpurn, 13.05.2011, 17:09
I would like to see all Monstrous Abilities treated the same way as Edges and Hindrances too (as I've said before ;) )
phantomwhale, 22.07.2011, 17:17
Am leaving powers for now - Monstrous Abilites, Edges and Hindrances are all treated "the same" now. Even in DL:R, which was painful but educational !

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