Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Allow the grid to be moved on an image

The 4E ruleset allows the GM to adjust the grid once it's laid onto an image, to better line it up with any underlying map.

Adding this to Savage Worlds too would be useful.

phantomwhale, 28.04.2011, 17:52
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 12.07.2011
Added both grid adjustment controls, as well as Draw, Erase and Mask tool buttons. E.g. the first half of the image toolbar.
Idea status: completed


Savage_Doswelk, 28.04.2011, 18:13
I would request all the extra functionality from 4e image boxes (the nice toolbar for example).
phantomwhale, 12.07.2011, 18:20
Have left off the targetting controls - that really would come under a seperate "improve targetting" section of work.

Plus I'd rather get grouped enemies sorted first, so that the targetting work is worth doing !
frz, 12.07.2011, 21:52
super handy - great job

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