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Drag and drop to ungroup on Combat Tracker

A request to bring back the option to drag-and-drop characters within a group on the combat tracker to split the group again. It's rather unintuitive UI design to be able to drag-and-drop to make groups but not to drag a character out of a group again.

At the very least please could "ungroup this character" be provided as a right-click menu option?

The "edit list" way of doing it currently implemented is fine once you know how it works, but there was flat-out no way I was going to find it without watching one of Doswelk's videos, not least because most other rulesets don't even have an "Edit list" mode on the combat tracker.

I hope an efficiently-coded way can be found to bring this functionality back, because I think it is quite confusing for newbies that it isn't there.

HywelPhillips, 24.10.2021, 01:34
Idea status: under consideration


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