Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Wild Die

It would be nice if instead of the wild die being the same color as other dice, if it was special somehow. Because in some systems it doesn't matter what the wild die rolls if the trait die rolls a 1.
So it would be nice while it's rolling to know which one to look out for.
Currently, if I roll a skill with a d6, I cant distinguish it from the wild die until after the chat log states the result. Kinda confusing until that clarification comes up.

Mendoza , 13.10.2018, 07:59
Response from the site administrator
Ikael, 14.11.2018
3D rolling dice colors cannot be changed. It is FG engine limitation at the moment.

However, in v5.0 when Wild Die replaces Trait die, it will use different color scheme in chat. You can detect if Trait die was natural one by checking chat
Idea status: completed


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