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DLR card table NPC players

In DLR current ruleset it appears only PCs can take a seat at the card table. This severely restricts its use without messing around creating dummy PCs out of NPCS. There seem to be very few reasons that I can think of why just PCs would want to sit around a virtual card table without some NPC involvement.
Just a simple example of wanting to let the PCs play poker against an NPC cardshark completely had me foxed before I eventually realised it can't be done in the current implementation. The card table could also be then used applying cards to characters for the dueling rules which essentially use a variant on the poker rules within DLR. Dueling as written in the rulebook would be very difficult to perform within FG without using something like the card table to allocate cards one at a time to the combatants.

dikdastard, 11.10.2017, 07:35
Response from the site administrator
Ikael, 05.05.2019
Fixed in DLR v2.7
Idea status: completed


Savage_Doswelk, 22.11.2017, 08:45
This used to work, it broker somewhere along the line..

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