Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Add certain special characters to object titles

Can we have special characters such as /,+,- and others i am not thinking of be able to show on object (item/edge/hindrance/etc) titles? Things like Size+2 the plus doesnt show up.

matt , 27.06.2017, 13:27
Response from the site administrator
Ikael, 05.05.2019
It's up to content developers how they express titles. Regarding core modules, they are going to be remastered even new Savage Worlds Black version is released. This will update all NPC stat blocks with NPC Maker, which will provide requested format out of the box.

Edit: See SWADE release
Idea status: completed


Ikael, 03.08.2017, 05:35
Can you give example where you would need this?

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