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Adjust token appearance for Shaken / Inc tokens

Currently the 4E ruleset makes the green / yellow / red underlays progressively darker the more wounded a token is.

So one solution would be to make the underlays much darker for incapacitated tokens. Not sure if a similar underlay effect (or even the same effect) would help for Shaken tokens too ? For Wild Cards, could progressively darken the underlying for 1, 2 and 3 wounds too.

Another thing that would be good is to add the status onto the token tool tip, so players / GM can hover over foes to see their status.

Any other visual things we might try to increase visibility of statuses ? Can thought of colouring the selection halo, or adding a halo, but this might get confused with targeting, esp. with multiple players targeting things with differing coloured target halos.

phantomwhale, 10.10.2011, 20:28
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 18.11.2014
this is included in version 4.0
Idea status: completed


MurghBpurn, 12.10.2011, 03:17
Is it worth working with overlays?
phantomwhale, 12.10.2011, 06:00
Wow - hadn't spent a lot of time looking at Joshua's extension, but that looks like a pretty awesome way of tracking wounds.

Yes, I think overlays would be a good way of doing it ! But of course, need to integrate the overlay work into the core ruleset first.
Ikael, 20.05.2014, 21:28
!!! Implemented in SW 3.6/4.0!!!
See new token preferences

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