Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Combat Tracker : Attack Line(s)

After watching one of Xorne's D&D vlogs, I notice that in the D&D version the Personalities attacks are in the combat tracker, and he just clicks on their weapon attack and it rolls the attack. Is this possible in the a future SW version ? I appreciate that several attacks are possible, but a Fighting and a Shooting line would be nice, and encompass a lot of your average mooks, and cut down on the amount of open windows, and more importantly having to keep referencing them all. cheers Paul

zackspacks, 13.07.2011, 05:48
Idea status: completed


phantomwhale, 30.04.2013, 15:57
Should be in (at least a first cut) for the next version 3.4

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