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Don't reorder skills until done editing both name and value

Currently when you enter a new skill on an NPC (maybe PC too), you have just enough time to up the skill a notch with the mousewheel before the list reorders and you find yourself adjusting the first alphabetic skills value instead.

Not sure how easy it will be to pull off, but keeping the skill in place until both name AND value are edited would be ideal

phantomwhale, 11.05.2011, 19:08
Idea status: completed


MurghBpurn, 12.05.2011, 18:11
Yeah this has been a minor annoyance to me for a long time. Wouldn't want it to impact on more important (to me :) ) issues though!
Savage_Doswelk, 13.05.2011, 01:41
Problem... what if the skill is just going to be a d4?

Having to right mouse button (or something similar) to sort the skill would annoy me more than the current functionality
phantomwhale, 13.05.2011, 07:44
Was thinking that you'd not sort the skill whilst any of the following are happening:
* The text box has focus (as it is now)
* The mouse is hovering over the dice control (to allow mouse wheeling)
* The radial menu for the dice control is active (in case someone is setting the dice value via the menu)

Not sure if this will cover it, or create something else counter-intuitive though. Can only try it and see. Certainly if it creates more GUI annoyances, I'll leave it as is !
Ikael, 05.12.2014, 04:58
Cannot reproduce described issue anymore. Fantasy Grounds has made several updates when reordering is applied, and with latest version (3.0.9) reordering is applied directly when you type/change skill name, thus the skill is already in correct place when you you can start changing the die type

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