Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Add Adventure Deck rules to the module

The Savage World Adventure Deck Documentation/Library module doesn't indicate how many cards are given to a player, if any cards can be gained during the game, etc. (The basic rules on how they are used isn't there someone never saw the actual physical products rules and was introduced to the Adventure deck via FG doesn't know how to use them properly since this stuff is missing in the FG documentation/module for the deck, as it assumes familiarity with the Physical version and ignores that a player or GM may never have seen the physical version and the instructions the physical ones comes with. I understand that a paragraph explain how many cards are given, etc. is in the print instructions of the Adventure Deck before the new Edge is described from what I found out by asking at a local comic/game store.

Ikael, 10.11.2017, 05:30
Response from the site administrator
Ikael, 30.04.2020
Implemented in SWD v4.10.2
Idea status: completed


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