Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Link Effects to an Item

An ability to link an Effect to an Item (as I am assuming you can't have active effect code in item descriptions?) so that equipping the item includes the Effects. This would also entail indicating which items are equipped and active, which could be handled by making the Effect section of the CT into an Equipped and Effective: section... so you would be able to equip and item and gain all the effects linked to it. I'm probably looking at this from the GMs side too much.

Kevin Flynn , 24.09.2017, 13:21
Response from the site administrator
Ikael, 14.03.2018
Implemented in v4.6
Idea status: completed


Gabriele Filippi, 24.09.2017, 23:11
Would like to see this feature extended also to edges, hindrances and powers too ...
Maybe something like a new field list, where you can drag&drop multiple Effects from the main Effect List, or create new one from scratch.
Every Effect inside this specific list could be draggable to the Combat Tracker, similar to the Powers Effects in the D&D5e charater sheets.

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