Savage Worlds for FGII All the ideas and discussions
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Hotkey bar is broken in SW ruleset and throws an error in certain circumstances.

1. Characters cannot be opened from the hotkey bar.
To reproduce:
1. Create a Player Character.
2. Drag it onto the hotkey bar.
3. Close the Player Character.
4. click the hotkey slot or press the appropriate hotkey.
Result: It does not open.

2. NPCs cannot be opened from the hotkey bar.
To reproduce:
1. Apply the steps above, but use an NPC instead of a PC.
Result: It does not open.

3. Mini character sheets cannot be opened from the hotkey bar.
To reproduce:
1. Drag the mini button and drop it on the hotkey bar.
2. Click it or press the appropriate hotkey.
Result: It does not open.

kavaliro , 03.01.2016, 02:51
Response from the site administrator
phantomwhale, 11.03.2016
This will be fixed in version 4.2.5
Idea status: completed


phantomwhale, 04.01.2016, 07:45
Thanks for this - I'll take a look at it real soon

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